It’s got to suit your budget!
The right amount of bounce for your bucks!
Rebounding is such a fantastic way of exercising and we love making, editing and producing our Bounce Fit workouts. The market has exploded with different brands of rebounders and it can sometimes be a difficult choice to make, knowing which brand suits you and your pocket the most.

That’s where Claire and I, Scott of SanFran Fitness are here to help with over 15 years of experience in the rebounding fitness industry and more than 500 videos on
and our subscription website,
Here are our 6 top tips to think about when purchasing your home fitness trampoline.
1) Price
When selecting your rebounder, the most important thing to consider is your budget. If you purchase a cheap trampoline, it could end up breaking due to poor quality parts after just a few months of use, which may lead to injuries to your back, hips or knees. On the other hand, being pressured into purchasing the top of the range brand, may be beyond reach in this current financial climate. We recommend that you spend from $190.00, around £150.00 or €175.00 and above in order to have many happy years of bouncing.

Second hand is a great option too! Take a look at Ebay and other selling sites. Look at the quality and specs of the trampoline and if anything is missing or faulty, check on the website of the manufacturer if it can be replaced and how much it will cost. Have in mind the delivery charge and where it is being shipped from. You may be lucky to have one round the corner from you in which case you can go try before you buy! You might even snatch one for a real bargain.
2) body Weight
In our opinion, this is massively important for your safety. Please make sure you check on the brand that you buy for the maximum weight it can hold. Rebounding is for everyone, whether you have a low body weight or even obesity, diabetes or other medical conditions that affect your body mass. Generally, you’ll find the less expensive brands hold less weight, so do your research on this one.
3) brands
During our rebounding career, we have used many different brands from the cheap to the very expensive models, poor quality to high quality frames, sprung and bungee cord trampolines. With this in mind, we have picked 4 rebounding companies that we think will suit most jumpers budgets. BUT, it does depend on your location as to which brand you can purchase as not all trampoline companies deliver internationally.
We have another blog coming soon on these brands with information on prices and quality to help you find the perfect rebounder for you.
brands we recommend
Click on the links below and take advantage of the discounts on some brands. When you use our link, send us your order confirmation email & we’ll give you 1 month free access to our website which has over 500 videos for you to workout to;
Leaps & Rebounds, add code SFitness10 for 10% discount on all rebounder models and accessories.
JumpSport, add code SanFran10 to get 10% discount on the 300 & 500 models.
Rebound Fit, add code SanFran to get 10% discount off of all rebounders and accessories.
Bounti UK, add code Sanfranfitness5 to get 5% discount off of the 350f foldable.
4) Does the size of the rebounder matter?
Yes it does. There are a few things to think about. Will the trampoline fit in your room that you intend on bouncing in and are you thinking of travelling with your rebounder when on holiday or business. If you are moving around, it may be worth considering foldable legs or even a foldable trampoline. If you’re not moving from place to place, then we’d always recommend a non folding trampoline. The less parts that move, the less noise the rebounder makes!
When we first started bouncing, we used 40 inch frames with foldable legs which were perfect for us at the time as we travelled around England running classes.
We still use 40 inch frame models but our preference is 48 inch frames and above, purely due to the fact that we have more mat space to bounce on and most of our fitness classes take place in and around our gym. If you’re tall and have long legs, you can bounce comfortably and perform abdominal work when laying down easier on a rebounder with more surface area.
Although, if your rebounder does not have adjustable tension on the bungees, you generally find that the smaller trampoline has a firmer bounce than the bigger trampolines due to the circumference of the mat.
5) Quality, Durability & Warranty
If you buy a quality trampoline, most rebounding companies offer a warranty to go with their product. Some even offer a lifetime warranty on parts of their equipment. All the brands that we have mentioned above produce a good to high quality frame and offer a lifetime guarantee when registering your rebounder. They come with sturdy legs, durable bungee cords and a comfortable mat for bouncing on. We do recommend that you look on the manufacturers website for details of their warranty.
6) Spare Parts
This piece of equipment has parts that move under tension, in which case there will be a certain amount of wear and tear, depending on how much you use your rebounder. So, expect that you may have to change a bungee cord or 2 at some point. Check that the brand you are looking to purchase stocks spare parts and that the cost plus shipping is feasible.
If you need further help choosing a rebounder, get in contact with us at [email protected] and we can talk you through your options.
To find amazing rebounding videos from beginners to experienced bouncers, take a look at our YouTube page or our SanFran Fitness website