All Bounce Videos 41 Minutes Plus

You are viewing a preview of the classes that are available to paying members only in this category.  To watch these videos, please sign up here.

42 Minutes Get In The Zone Rebounding


Let’s get in the zone with this circuit style class.  Working for 1 minute on each exercise, we have no breaks in the first 28 minutes as we focus on cardio.  The class is then wrapped up with 14 minutes of toning exercises, concentrating on the legs and abdominals.

45 Minutes Jump To The Stars


This class will not only raise the roof but your heart rate as well as we combine power jumps with fast paced rebounding.

Working on a circuit, you will discover strength in your shoulders and legs with this class that you never knew you had. The question is, can you keep up!

45 Minutes Jump & Flex


A mixture of rebounding and supple strength to give you a full body workout.  We are working on and off the rebounder today so make sure you have space and plenty of energy because the lower body burn on this class is real!

45 Minutes Body Conditioning & Jog


ADAPTATION BABY!! This class is similar to EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute). We start with a floor based exercise of your choice, I went for exercises that challenge my core. You can do as many as you like, I started with 10 and then finish the rest of the minute off on the rebounder with a jogging movement.

There are 7 exercises, 6 sets plus 30 seconds rest in-between each set, so either follow me or choose your movements.

45 Minutes F45 Bounce Fit


F45 = 45 minutes workout, 45 exercises, 45 seconds of hard work with 15 seconds rest.

This workout has everything that your body is going to need today.  We have rebounding, we have weights and we have added in a bootyband for extra spice!

Come and join us both on a tough little session that is going to leave your body asking for…….a rest 😉

45 Minutes Bounce, Squats and Balance


This is 132BPM of bouncing today so prepare for a faster paced class than normal. 3 sections each containing different bounce movements with squats and balance at the end of each section. Join me for a light hearted session full of bouncing and sweat!

45 Minutes Basic Kickboxing Bounce Fit


Don’t let the title put you off. The only thing basic about this session are the punching and kicking moves. I’ve kept the moves simple so it’s easy to follow but there are many ways to adapt this class. Use hand or ankle weights or both and remember, push down harder through your feet for more intensity.

45 Minutes Bounce Fit & Power Weights Mash up


This is a great workout to raise your heart rate with a mixture of 3 minutes bouncing then 15 seconds rest, followed by 3 minutes of power weights, on or off the trampoline. Use 0-1.5kg for the rebounding section and switch to a higher weight that challenges you 1-10kg for the weights section.

45 Minutes Bounce, Turn and Balance


How’s your balance? We are focusing on balance in this routine so there will be lots of turns. At the end we have a core section which will help on stabilising your core muscles around your sides and midriff.

45 Minutes Cause4Paws Charity Bounce Fit


YouTube – Thanks to all our members who donated to this wonderful charity.  Different sections of cardio, weights, abs and stretching. Great all round video.

45 Minutes Bounce Fit


45 minutes of pure enjoyment! 3 sections on this video all using the rebounder. If you want to make your session more challenging, push down harder through the mat.

48 Minutes Bounce to Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

LEVEL: beginner

Today we learn how to engage your abdominal muscles correctly even when we are bouncing.

This class is split into 2 parts, beginning with our bouncing and then finishing on the floor, with exercises that will help to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Suitable for pre and post natal members, or anyone that is looking for a low impact workout.

49 Minutes Christmas Rebounding Tabata & Weights


An early Christmas present from Claire and myself to say thank you for your support during 2023. This is such a great class that really keeps you on your toes.

4 sets of 20 seconds working and 10 seconds rest starting with cardio, then two sets of weights, finishing with the cardio on the rebounder. Grab some weights and let’s bounce into 2024.

Don’t forget your Christmas hat 😄🔘🎅

50 Minutes Live SBW Mix Part 2


We start with Supple Strength, the moves are hip, hamstring and glutes focused so we are really going to open up the muscles to begin with.

Next is rebounding with some lovely choreography and we finish off with weights. I am using 3kg and 5kg (6.6lbs & 11lbs) dumbbells with some balance thrown in for good measure.

50 Minutes Variety Pack Part 2


If you enjoyed part 1 then definitely give this one a go.

No weights needed this time, just your rebounder and yourself.  We have sections of cardio and toning and we alternate between the two so that we are working different body parts.  

This is a class that builds and peaks in the middle to then bring you back down the other side.  By the end of the session you are hopefully going to feel that you have been worked all over!

50 Minutes Can You Barre It Bounce!


Whether you have a stability bar or not we have made sure that everyone can enjoy this class.  As you can see in the top left hand corner there is the option of moves if you don’t have a bar.

This workout will have your heart rate ramped up by the time we run through the second round of moves, especially if you are able to join me on the explosive jumps. 

Remember if you are doing this workout without the bar, then focus on intensifying things by pushing down through the mat and using your arms for big movements.

50 Minutes Advanced Kickboxing Bounce


Believe it or not, this is actually at a slower pace of 120BPM, slower than the beginners kickboxing class but this one has more advanced moves and feels as if you’re going faster.

Strap yourselves in and get ready for some high kicks and routines that increase as you go.

50 Minutes Bounce Fit & Stability Ball Class


Focusing on the legs and abdominal area on this Bounce Fit class, prepare yourselves for a long workout. We begin with cardio to warm up the muscles, finishing with an abdominal section using the stability ball. Adapt the class and use a football, netball or any form of ball.

50 Minutes Bounce Fit


YouTube – Yes, that’s 50 minutes of non stop bouncing peeps! Get ready to join me for a sweaty class with some basketball jumps! Some love them, most hate them, let’s get going.

52 Minutes Full Body Rebounding Party


This workout is jam packed with so much from start to finish.  We begin our party with rebounding, working for 1 minute on each move and we have 8 exercises to get through. At the end of each section you have 45 seconds recovery before we move on.  There are 6 parts to this class in total.

As you can see I have a mixture of light and heavier weights so that the intensity increases as the workout progresses.

55 Minutes Bounce and Build Strength


All over Bounce Fit session starting with cardio on the rebounder, dropping down to the mat for some Supple Strength with weights (optional), finishing with deep stretching. Clear your diary and join me on this one.

55 Minutes Bounce and Box


Bring plenty of energy to this 55 minutes workout. Working on and off the trampoline, we have 2 parts where we build up using boxing punching with lots of bouncing.

55 Minutes Bounce, Weights and Abs



A massive 55 minutes worth of sweating with this bounce, weights and abs video. Find a weight that is suitable for your abilities (I’m using 1kg, 2.2lbs) or don’t use weights at all. This workout is for you so adapt the class to make this an enjoyable fitness class. 

The abs section is tough so if you want to target the middle of your body then try this 👍😊

60 Minutes Monthly Care Package


This class has been created for that time of the month where maybe us ladies are not feeling our best.  

We have the perfect combination of 30 minutes gentle rebounding, followed by 30 minutes of wonderful supple strength to ease through any tight and uncomfortable spots. 

60 Minutes Rebounding Variety Pack


Are you looking for a workout with a little bit of everything? Then this is the one for you.  The rebounding part is made into a series of sections that we build and add to, giving us 28 minutes of cardio.  We move onto static weights. I have a mixture of 3kg (6.6lbs) and 5kg (11lbs) dumbbells with a 1 x 7.5kg (16.5lbs) kettlebell. Use this part to play around with different size weights and see what works well for you.  We then wrap things up with some beautiful stretches.

60 Minutes Full Body Attack


Mar 2023. Are you ready to hit the whole body in one session?  Well then look no further! Starting off with 15 minutes of rebounding to warm up the body we then move onto a weights & bootyband. Part 2 & 3 are done as a circuit where we have 10 moves in each section & we repeat them twice through, working for 50 seconds with a 10 second recovery.

I am using a mixture of 3kg & 5kg dumbbells & a light bootyband.  If you don’t have a bootyband do not worry as all moves can still be performed & adaptions have been given where possible.

60 Minutes Advanced, Ticks All The Boxes


This workout ticks all the boxes of your cardio, resistance and stretching needs. 

The class is separated into 6 sections with only a small break in between each block.

Make sure you have an hour to eat your way through this gem of a class.

10,000 Steps Bounce


Do you need to make up your steps for the day? Are you on a rest day and fancy joining me to complete 10,000 steps? Whatever your goals are today, enjoy marching it out and some light bouncing with me.

This is a long video, well over an hour of movement so give yourself a goal and let’s do some low impact movement.